
 Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.
                          -Joseph Campbell 

Sandy Carter, MA LPC
simple sitting
Woodlands Psychotherapy

Practices in The Woodlands and Livingston, Texas

Lake Erie College; Painesville, Ohio, 1965-68
L’Universite de Caen; Caen, France, 1968
The University of Texas at Austin, Texas; Bachelor of Arts in Language and Literature, 1969
Sam Houston State University; Huntsville, Texas; Master of Arts in Counseling, 1996

Licensed Professional Counselor/Supervisor – 2000/2004
Certified Yoga Instructor, 2007
Reiki I & II
Cranial Sacral Therapy

Non-directive child-centered play therapy
Parenting skills and coaching
Psychotherapy with adolescents and adults
Narrative therapy and the talking cure
Solution-focused brief therapy
Neuro-linguistic programming
Somatic experiencing
Non-violent communication
Meditation and relaxation response training
Chakra clearing

Clients accepted by appointment only.  Call 281 419 9878 to schedule an appointment (ok to leave a message).  Intake forms available online.  Some insurances accepted.

Session length:  45 minutes or as arranged between client and Sandy Carter.

Issues:  Depression, PTSD and trauma, anxiety, ADHD and ADD, behavioral and adjustment issues in children, Bipolar, personality disorders, eating disorders and other addictions, OCD, abuse, divorce,
grief, end of life concerns.

ph: 281-419-9878
fax: 888-845-3240